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I'm transferring you now

  • 1 transfer

       a. ( = move) transférer
       b. ( = hand over) [+ power] faire passer ; [+ ownership] transférer ; [+ money] virer
       c. ( = copy) [+ design] reporter (to sur)
    être transféré ; (US) ( = change universities) faire un transfert (pour une autre université)
    3. noun
       a. ( = move) transfert m
       b. ( = handover) [of money] virement m ; [of power] passation f
       c. ( = picture) décalcomanie f
       d. ( = transfer ticket) billet m de correspondance
    transfer student noun (US) étudiant (e) m(f) venant d'une autre université
    Lorsque transfer est un verbe, l'accent tombe sur la seconde syllabe: trænsˈfɜ:, lorsque c'est un nom, sur la première: ˈtrænsfɜ:.
    * * *
    1. ['trænsfɜː(r)]
    1) gen transfert m; (of property, debt) cession f; ( of funds) virement m
    2) ( relocation) (of player, patient, prisoner) transfert m; ( of employee) mutation f
    3) GB (on skin, china, paper) décalcomanie f; ( on T-shirt) transfert m
    2. [træns'fɜː(r)]
    transitive verb (p prés etc - rr-)
    1) gen transférer; virer [money]; céder [property, power]; reporter [allegiance, support]
    2) ( relocate) transférer [office, prisoner, player]; muter [employee]
    3. [træns'fɛː(r)]
    intransitive verb (p prés etc - rr-)
    1) [player, passenger] être transféré; [employee] être muté
    2) Aviation [traveller] changer d'avion
    3) University [student] ( change university) changer d'université; ( change course) changer de cours

    English-French dictionary > transfer

  • 2 transfer

    1 transitive verb [træns'fɜ:(r)]
    (a) (move) transférer; (employee, civil servant) transférer, muter; (soldier) muter; British (player) transférer; (passenger) transférer, transborder; (object, goods) transférer, transporter;
    can this ticket be transferred to another airline? peut-on utiliser ce billet d'avion sur une autre compagnie?
    I transferred the funds to my bank account j'ai fait virer l'argent sur mon compte bancaire
    (c) (convey → property, ownership) transmettre, transférer, Law faire cession de, céder; (→ power, responsibility) passer;
    she will transfer the rights over to him elle va lui céder ou passer les droits
    I'm transferring you now (operator) je vous mets en communication;
    British I'd like to transfer the charges je voudrais téléphoner en PCV;
    British transferred charge call communication f en PCV
    (e) (displace → design, picture) reporter, décalquer;
    to transfer a design from one surface to another décalquer un dessin d'un support sur un autre;
    figurative she transferred her affection/allegiance to him elle a reporté son affection/sa fidélité sur lui
    (f) Accountancy (debt) transporter; (entry) contre-passer
    2 intransitive verb [træns'fɜ:(r)]
    (a) (move) être transféré; (employee, civil servant) être muté ou transféré; (soldier) être muté; British (player) être transféré;
    American she transferred to another school elle a changé d'école;
    I'm transferring to history je me réoriente en histoire
    (b) (change mode of transport) être transféré ou transbordé;
    they had to transfer to a train ils ont dû changer et prendre le train
    3 noun ['trænsfɜ:(r)]
    (a) (gen) transfert m; (of employee, civil servant) mutation f; (of passenger) transfert m, transbordement m; British (of player) transfert m; (of goods, objects) transfert m, transport m;
    he has asked for a transfer il a demandé son transfert ou à être muté; British (player) il a demandé son transfert
    (b) Finance & Banking (of funds, capital) virement m, transfert m
    (c) Law transmission f, cession f;
    transfer of ownership from sb to sb transfert m ou translation f de propriété de qn à qn;
    application for transfer of proceedings demande f de renvoi devant une autre juridiction
    (d) British (design, picture) décalcomanie f; (rub-on) autocollant m; (sew-on) décalque m
    (e) (change of mode of travel) transfert m; (at airport, train station) correspondance f;
    free transfer transfert m gratuit
    (f) (ticket) billet m de correspondance
    (g) Computing (of data) transfert m
    (h) Accountancy (of debt) transport m; (of entry) contre-passation f;
    transfer of charges transfert m de charges
    (i) Stock Exchange (of shares) transfert m; (document) (feuille f de) transfert m;
    transfer by endorsement transmission f par endossement
    ►► transfer advice avis m de virement;
    transfer bus navette f;
    British Telecommunications transfer charge call communication f en PCV;
    transfer cheque chèque m de virement;
    Law transfer deed acte m de cession;
    transfer desk (at airport) guichet m de transit;
    transfer duty droits mpl de transfert;
    (a) British Sport indemnité f de transfert
    (b) Finance frais mpl de transfert;
    transfer form formule f de transfert;
    British Sport transfer list liste f des joueurs transférables;
    British transfer lounge (at airport) salle f de transit;
    transfer order ordre m ou mandat m de virement;
    British transfer passenger (between flights) voyageur(euse) m,f en transit;
    Politics transfer of power passation f de pouvoir;
    Computing transfer rate taux m de transfert;
    Biology transfer RNA ARN m de transfert;
    Computing transfer speed vitesse f de transfert;
    British transfer tax droits mpl de succession; (between living persons) droit m de mutation;
    transfer ticket billet m de correspondance

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  • 3 transfer

    1 noun
    (a) (of employee) mutation f; (of goods) transfert m, transport m; (of air passenger) transfert; FINANCE (of shares, funds, capital) transfert; BANKING (of money from one account to another) virement m
    transfer advice avis m de virement; transfer of bonded goods mutation f d'entrepôt;
    transfer certificate certificat m de transfert;
    transfer cheque chèque m de virement;
    STOCK EXCHANGE transfer duty droits m pl de transfert;
    STOCK EXCHANGE transfer by endorsement transmission f par endossement;
    STOCK EXCHANGE transfer fee frais m pl de transfert;
    STOCK EXCHANGE transfer form formule f de transfert;
    FINANCE transfer order ordre m de virement;
    transfer passenger (between flights) voyageur(euse) m, f en transit;
    transfer payment paiement m de transfert;
    STOCK EXCHANGE transfer register registre m des transferts;
    transfer restrictions restrictions f pl de transfert
    (b) ACCOUNTANCY (of debt) transport m; (of entry) contre-passation f
    transfer entry article m de contre-passation
    (c) LAW (of property, ownership, rights) cession f
    transfer deed acte m de cession; British transfer tax droits m pl de succession; (between living persons) droit de mutation
    (d) COMPUTING (of data) transfert m
    transfer rate taux m de transfert; transfer speed vitesse f de transfert
    (a) (employee) muter; (goods) transférer, transporter; FINANCE (shares, funds, capital) transférer; BANKING (money) virer
    (b) ACCOUNTANCY (debt) transporter; (entry) contre-passer
    (c) LAW (property, ownership, rights) céder, faire cession de;
    she will transfer the rights over to him elle va lui céder les droits
    I'm transferring you now je vous mets en communication
    British transfer charge call communication f en PCV
    (e) COMPUTING (data) transférer
    (a) (of employee) être muté(e);
    to transfer to a different department être transféré(e) dans un autre service

    English-French business dictionary > transfer

  • 4 find

    find [faɪnd]
    trouver1 (a)-(d) retrouver1 (a) chercher1 (b) constater1 (e) déclarer1 (f) se trouver1 (h) prononcer2 trouvaille3 merveille3
    (pt & pp found [faʊnd])
    (a) (by searching) trouver; (lost thing, person) retrouver;
    I can't find it anywhere je ne le trouve nulle part;
    did you find what you were looking for? as-tu trouvé ce que tu cherchais?;
    she couldn't find anything to say elle ne trouvait rien à dire;
    the police could find no reason or explanation for his disappearance la police n'arrivait pas à expliquer sa disparition;
    I never did find those earrings je n'ai jamais pu trouver ces boucles d'oreilles;
    the missing airmen were found alive les aviateurs disparus ont été retrouvés sains et saufs;
    I can't find my place (in book) je ne sais plus où j'en suis;
    my wallet/he was nowhere to be found mon portefeuille/il était introuvable
    (b) (look for, fetch) chercher;
    Computing to find and replace trouver et remplacer;
    he went to find help/a doctor il est allé chercher de l'aide/un médecin;
    go and find me a pair of scissors va me chercher une paire de ciseaux;
    could you find me a cloth? tu peux me trouver un chiffon?;
    he said he'd try to find me a job il a dit qu'il essaierait de me trouver un travail;
    to find the time/money to do sth trouver le temps de/l'argent nécessaire pour faire qch;
    to find the courage/strength to do sth trouver le courage/la force de faire qch;
    to find one's feet (in new job, situation) prendre ses repères;
    I'm still finding my feet je ne suis pas encore complètement dans le bain;
    she couldn't find it in her heart or herself to say no elle n'a pas eu le cœur de dire non;
    the bullet found its mark la balle a atteint son but;
    to find one's way trouver son chemin;
    I'll find my own way out je trouverai la sortie tout seul;
    she found her way back home elle a réussi à rentrer chez elle;
    somehow, the book had found its way into my room sans que je sache comment, le livre s'était retrouvé dans ma chambre
    we left everything as we found it nous avons tout laissé dans l'état où nous l'avions trouvé;
    we found this wonderful little bistro on our last visit nous avons découvert un adorable petit bistro lors de notre dernière visite;
    you won't find a better bargain anywhere nulle part, vous ne trouverez meilleur prix;
    this bird is found all over Britain on trouve cet oiseau dans toute la Grande-Bretagne;
    the complete list is to be found on page 18 la liste complète se trouve page 18;
    I found him at home je l'ai trouvé chez lui;
    I found her waiting outside je l'ai trouvée qui attendait dehors;
    they found him dead on l'a trouvé mort;
    you'll find someone else tu trouveras quelqu'un d'autre;
    to find happiness/peace trouver le bonheur/la paix;
    I take people as I find them je prends les gens comme ils sont;
    I hope this letter finds you in good health j'espère que vous allez bien;
    they found an unexpected supporter in Mr Smith ils ont trouvé en M. Smith un partisan inattendu
    (d) (expressing an opinion, personal view) trouver;
    I don't find that funny at all je ne trouve pas ça drôle du tout;
    I find her very pretty je la trouve très jolie;
    she finds it very difficult/impossible to talk about it il lui est très difficile/impossible d'en parler;
    to find some difficulty in doing sth éprouver quelque difficulté à faire qch;
    he finds it very hard/impossible to make friends il a beaucoup de mal à/il n'arrive pas à se faire des amis;
    I find it hot/cold in here je trouve qu'il fait chaud/froid ici;
    how did you find your new boss/your steak? comment avez-vous trouvé votre nouveau patron/votre steak?;
    Rovers have been found wanting or lacking in defence les Rovers ont fait preuve de faiblesse au niveau de la défense
    (e) (discover, learn) constater;
    I found (that) the car wouldn't start j'ai constaté que la voiture ne voulait pas démarrer;
    they came back to find the house had been burgled à leur retour, ils ont constaté que la maison avait été cambriolée;
    I find I have time on my hands now that I am no longer working je m'aperçois que j'ai du temps à moi maintenant que je ne travaille plus;
    I think you'll find I'm right je pense que tu t'apercevras que j'ai raison
    to find sb guilty/innocent déclarer qn coupable/non coupable;
    how do you find the accused? déclarez-vous l'accusé coupable ou non coupable?;
    the court found that the evidence was inconclusive le tribunal a déclaré que les preuves n'étaient pas suffisantes
    (g) old-fashioned or formal (provide → one's own tools, uniform) fournir;
    £65 a week all found 65 livres par semaine nourri et logé
    I woke up to find myself on a ship je me suis réveillé sur un bateau;
    he found himself out of a job il s'est retrouvé sans emploi;
    I find/found myself in an impossible situation je me trouve/me suis retrouvé dans une situation impossible;
    formal I find myself unable to agree to your request je me vois dans l'impossibilité d'accéder à votre demande;
    she found herself forced to retaliate elle s'est trouvée dans l'obligation de riposter;
    he's going on a six-month backpacking trip to find himself il va partir en voyage pendant six mois, sac au dos, à la recherche de lui-même
    Law to find for/against the plaintiff prononcer en faveur de l'accusation/de la défense
    3 noun
    (object) trouvaille f; (person) merveille f
    ►► Computing find command commande f de recherche
    (a) (investigate, make enquiries) se renseigner;
    to find out about sth se renseigner sur qch
    (b) (learn, discover)
    his wife/his boss found out sa femme/son chef a tout découvert;
    his wife found out about his affair sa femme a découvert qu'il avait une liaison;
    what if the police find out? et si la police l'apprend?;
    I didn't find out about the party in time on ne m'a pas mis au courant de la fête à temps;
    I didn't find out about it in time je ne l'ai pas su à temps
    (a) (learn, discover → truth, real identity) découvrir; (→ answer, phone number) trouver; (→ by making enquiries, reading instructions) se renseigner sur;
    we found out that she was French nous avons découvert qu'elle était française;
    what have you found out about him/it? qu'est-ce que tu as découvert sur lui/là-dessus?;
    can you find out the date of the meeting for me? est-ce que tu peux te renseigner sur la date de la réunion?;
    when I found out the date of the meeting quand j'ai appris la date de la réunion;
    to find out how to do sth/what sb is really like découvrir comment faire qch/la véritable nature de qn;
    I found out where he'd put it j'ai trouvé où il l'avait mis
    (b) (catch being dishonest) prendre; (show to be a fraud) prendre en défaut;
    make sure you don't get found out veille à ne pas te faire prendre;
    you've been found out tu as été découvert;
    they had found her out for the liar she was ils avaient découvert quelle menteuse elle était;
    she had been found out transferring money into her own account on avait découvert qu'elle transférait de l'argent sur son propre compte

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  • 5 В-139

    НА ВИДУ PrepP Invar
    1. \В-139 (укого) ( subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr) or adv
    (fully) visible (to s.o.): in plain (full) view (of s.o.)
    within s.o. 's view (can be) seen before s.o. 's eyes in front of s.o. (in limited contexts) exposed out in the open
    Neg не на виду - out of (s-оЛ) sight
    out of view (sight) (of s.o.)
    у всех на виду - for all to see
    in front of everybody in public
    жить у всех на виду - live a completely open life.
    А разве не сам я, когда прилетела «рама» и все полезли по щелям, стоял на виду? (Окуджава 1). Wasn't it me who remained in full view when the Heinkel swooped down and everyone jumped into the trenches? (1a).
    В обоих отделениях столовой кухня была отделена от общего зала стеклянной перегородкой, чтобы неряхи-повара все время были на виду у рабочих (Искандер 3). In each department of the dining room, the kitchen was divided from the public hall by a glass partition so that the slovenly cooks were within the workers' view at all times (3a).
    Да, лучше вечером, -почему я решила завтра утром? Днем все на виду, сейчас уже темнеет, мало фонарей. Да, надо сегодня, сейчас же, зачем я откладываю? (Аллилуева 2). Yes, it would be better to do it all in the evening. Why did I ever think of the morning? In the daytime everything could be seen, now it was getting dark, lights were few. Yes, it must happen today, at once
    why was I putting it off? (2a)
    ...Времена тяжелые, у властей приступ служебного рвения, намекнули кому-то, что плохо де работаете, а он (Виктор) -вот он... голенький, глаза руками зажал, а весь на виду (Стругацкие 1)....The times were hard, the authorities were having an attack of official zeal, the hint's been given, you aren't doing your work, gentlemen, and there he (Victor) was...naked, covering his eyes with his fists and utterly exposed (1a).
    Ксана на приставания Иосифа не отвечала, но городок маленький, южный, все на виду, все видят, как Иосиф вяжется к Ксане, и этот факт ее компрометирует... (Рыбаков 1). Ksana didn't respond to his (Yosif's) passes, but it was a small town in the south, where everything is out in the open, everyone could see that Yosif was trying to get involved with her, he was compromising her... (1a).
    Илья Терентьевич Хороброе задней стороной лаборатории, не на виду у начальства, тяжелой поступью прошёл за стеллаж к Потапову (Солженицын 3). Ilya Terentevich Khorobrov, in the rear of the laboratory and out of sight of the chiefs, walked with heavy tread behind the wall of shelves to Potapov (3a).
    В общем, они ходили в лес и, как вы догадываетесь, располагались не на виду у дачного общества, а в стороне (Рыбаков 1). So they would go into the forest and, as you might guess, they would settle themselves down somewhat out of the way, out of view of summer visitors (1a).
    Праздновать труса у всех на виду? Никогда! (Аксенов 12). "Be cowards in public? Never!" (12a).
    Живу я на виду у всех. Чем дышу, всякий в городе знает» (Максимов 3). "I live a completely open life. Everybody in town knows what I live for" (3a).
    2. ( usu. subj-compl with быть0 (subj: human) to occupy a highly visible position ( occas., esp. formerly, used in refer, to a position that attracts the attention of influential people, promises a successful career)
    X был на виду = X was in the public eye
    X was (in a position) where he could be noticed X was in the limelight X had everybody' attention X was exposed (conspicuous).
    Этот человек, проживший так открыто, так напоказ, так на виду - оказался самым скрытным, самым невидимым и унес свою тайну в могилу (Битов 2). This man who lived so openly, so on display, so in the public eye, turns out to have been the most secretive, the most invisible. He has carried his secret to the grave (2a).
    «...Перейдя в гвардию, я на виду, - продолжал Берг, -и вакансии в гвардейской пехоте гораздо чаще» (Толстой 4). "...By transferring to the Guards, I shall be where I can be noticed," Berg continued, "and vacancies occur more frequently in the Foot Guards" (4a).
    Эти люди ждали. Больше двадцати лет ждали. Копили ненависть. Кое-чему научились. Защитились. Напечатались. Продвинулись. Не на виду, на периферии. Но продвинулись (Зиновьев 1)....These people were waiting. They'd been waiting for more than twenty years. They had built up enormous reserves of bitter hatred. They had learnt something. They had defended their theses. They had been published. They had risen. Never in the limelight, always on the fringes. But they had risen (1a).
    (Pen-ников:) Сейчас он на виду, герой, жертва несправедливости! (Вампилов 3). (R.:) Right now, he's got everybody's attention, he's a hero, a victim of injustice! (3b).
    Я боюсь, что тут мы будем больше на виду, чем в Москве, откуда бежали в поисках незаметности» (Пастернак 1). "I am afraid that after leaving Moscow to escape notice, we are going to be even more conspicuous here" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-139

  • 6 на виду

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. на виду кого) [subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr) or adv]
    (fully) visible (to s.o.):
    - in plain < full> view (of s.o.);
    - within s.o.'s view;
    - before s.o.'s eyes;
    - in front of s.o.;
    - [in limited contexts] exposed;
    || Neg не на виду out of (s.o.'s) sight < view>;
    - out of view (sight) (of s.o.);
    || жить у всех на виду live a completely open life.
         ♦ А разве не сам я, когда прилетела "рама" и все полезли по щелям, стоял на виду? (Окуджава 1). Wasn't it me who remained in full view when the Heinkel swooped down and everyone jumped into the trenches? (1a).
         ♦ В обоих отделениях столовой кухня была отделена от общего зала стеклянной перегородкой, чтобы неряхи-повара все время были на виду у рабочих (Искандер 3). In each department of the dining room, the kitchen was divided from the public hall by a glass partition so that the slovenly cooks were within the workers' view at all times (3a).
         ♦ Да, лучше вечером, - почему я решила завтра утром? Днем все на виду, сейчас уже темнеет, мало фонарей. Да, надо сегодня, сейчас же, зачем я откладываю? (Аллилуева 2). Yes, it would be better to do it all in the evening. Why did I ever think of the morning? In the daytime everything could be seen; now it was getting dark, lights were few. Yes, it must happen today, at once; why was I putting it off? (2a)
         ♦...Времена тяжелые, у властей приступ служебного рвения, намекнули кому-то, что плохо де работаете, а он [Виктор] - вот он... голенький, глаза руками зажал, а весь на виду (Стругацкие 1)....The times were hard, the authorities were having an attack of official zeal, the hint's been given, you aren't doing your work, gentlemen, and there he [Victor] was...naked, covering his eyes with his fists and utterly exposed (1a).
         ♦ Ксана на приставания Иосифа не отвечала, но городок маленький, южный, все на виду, все видят, как Иосиф вяжется к Ксане, и этот факт ее компрометирует... (Рыбаков 1). Ksana didn't respond to his [Yosif's] passes, but it was a small town in the south, where everything is out in the open, everyone could see that Yosif was trying to get involved with her, he was compromising her... (1a).
         ♦ Илья Терентьевич Хоробров задней стороной лаборатории, не на виду у начальства, тяжелой поступью прошёл за стеллаж к Потапову (Солженицын 3). Ilya Terentevich Khorobrov, in the rear of the laboratory and out of sight of the chiefs, walked with heavy tread behind the wall of shelves to Potapov (За).
         ♦ В общем, они ходили в лес и, как вы догадываетесь, располагались не на виду у дачного общества, а в стороне (Рыбаков 1). So they would go into the forest and, as you might guess, they would settle themselves down somewhat out of the way, out of view of summer visitors (1a).
         ♦ Праздновать труса у всех на виду? Никогда! (Аксенов 12). "Be cowards in public? Never!" (12a).
         ♦ "Живу я на виду у всех. Чем дышу, всякий в городе знает" (Максимов 3). "I live a completely open life. Everybody in town knows what I live for" (3a).
    2. [usu. subj-compl with быть (subj: human)]
    to occupy a highly visible position (occas., esp. formerly, used in refer, to a position that attracts the attention of influential people, promises a successful career):
    - X был на виду X was in the public eye;
    - X was exposed (conspicuous).
         ♦ Этот человек, проживший так открыто, так напоказ, так на виду - оказался самым скрытным, самым невидимым и унес свою тайну в могилу (Битов 2). This man who lived so openly, so on display, so in the public eye, turns out to have been the most secretive, the most invisible. He has carried his secret to the grave (2a).
         ♦ "...Перейдя в гвардию, я на виду, - продолжал Берг, - и вакансии в гвардейской пехоте гораздо чаще" (Толстой 4). "...By transferring to the Guards, I shall be where I can be noticed," Berg continued, "and vacancies occur more frequently in the Foot Guards" (4a).
         ♦...Эти люди ждали. Больше двадцати лет ждали. Копили ненависть. Кое-чему научились. Защитились. Напечатались. Продвинулись. Не на виду, на периферии. Но продвинулись (Зиновьев 1)....These people were waiting. They'd been waiting for more than twenty years. They had built up enormous reserves of bitter hatred. They had learnt something. They had defended their theses. They had been published. They had risen. Never in the limelight, always on the fringes. But they had risen (1a).
         ♦ [Репников:] Сейчас он на виду, герой, жертва несправедливости! (Вампилов 3). [R.:] Right now, he's got everybody's attention, he's a hero, a victim of injustice! (3b).
         ♦ "Я боюсь, что тут мы будем больше на виду, чем в Москве, откуда бежали в поисках незаметности" (Пастернак 1). "I am afraid that after leaving Moscow to escape notice, we are going to be even more conspicuous here" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на виду

  • 7 К-165

    a person (or group) blamed for the faults or misdeeds of others
    whipping boy.
    Они узаконивали беззаконие, наши песенные двадцатые годы. Поиски козлов отпущения становились привычны (Свирский 1). They legalized illegality, our much-vaunted twenties. It became customary to look for scapegoats (1a).
    Говорили, что бериевцы то ли между собой, то ли с кем-то из обслуги судачили: «Ну, что Лаврентий Павлович? Будто он один, а другие, нынешние, ни при чём? Все решения были общие. Просто нужен был козёл отпущения!» (Марченко 1). They also said that the Beria men had been heard to say, either among themselves or to someone doing orderly duty: "Well, what about Lavrenty Beria? Do you think he was the only one and that those men up there now had nothing to do with it? All decisions were taken unanimously. He's just the one they used as a whipping boy!" (1a).
    From an ancient Jewish rite described in the Bible. On Yom Kippur the high priest laid his hands on the head of a goat, symbolically transferring the sins of the people to it, and then let the goat loose in the wilderness (Lev. 16:5-22).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-165

  • 8 козел отпущения

    [NP; fixed WO]
    a person (or group) blamed for the faults or misdeeds of others:
    - whipping boy.
         ♦ Они узаконивали беззаконие, наши песенные двадцатые годы. Поиски козлов отпущения становились привычны (Свирский 1). They legalized illegality, our much-vaunted twenties. It became customary to look for scapegoats (1a).
         ♦ Говорили, что бериевцы то ли между собой, то ли с кем-то из обслуги судачили: "Ну, что Лаврентий Павлович? Будто он один, а другие, нынешние, ни при чём? Все решения были общие. Просто нужен был козел отпущения!" (Марченко 1). They also said that the Beria men had been heard to say, either among themselves or to someone doing orderly duty: "Well, what about Lavrenty Beria? Do you think he was the only one and that those men up there now had nothing to do with it? All decisions were taken unanimously. He's just the one they used as a whipping boy!" (1a).
    ← From an ancient Jewish rite described in the Bible. On Yom Kippur the high priest laid his hands on the head of a goat, symbolically transferring the sins of the people to it, and then let the goat loose in the wilderness (Lev. 16:5 - 22).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > козел отпущения

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